How we work?!

What brought you here...

…the lean thinking what supports your company

We are a Hungarian-owned company to solve industrialization, operational and quality system problems, which provides professional services to OEM automotive suppliers and other factories in the industrial sector.

In 2016, our company expanded with a new division that focuses on production support and technical services. Our partners are primarily served through interim services. We know that you don't need some competencies fulltime, but you need to have this special skills in time of naturally occurring ups and downs, also at periodically recurring tasks. These tasks/competencies are eg. reverse control plan and FMEA revision process, or layered process audits. Of course, starting from the quality control activity (like end-control or firewalls), we also organize the special operational line support needs (eg. temporary operators for volume changes, forklift drivers at vacation time). So you can focus on your value-creating processes without missing capabilities.

Our service base, built around three principles, faithfully reflects the mentality of our colleagues, which is based on their 10 years of experience in the automotive industry: - CONSCIOUS CHANGE - LEAN TOOLBOX - QVC FOCUS

How can these principles support your operations?

Quick lead time and exact performance...

…is a key for customer satisfaction and profitable processes. To achieve this goals usually you have to change your company behavior. We know that the danger in any PDCA processes is the neglect of CHECK-ACT functions and the NON-STANDARD processes in everyday work. Through the transformation of the organization, we implement process-oriented, internal customer-based changes that produce measurable results.

Lean toolbox

…is the source of industrial knowledge. We reach back to the core elements of the Toyota Operating System and insist on its system-wide implementation.


…is an attitude! Quality first, no need to run any process without controlled quality results!


…technically means what you sell to your customer. Deliveries ordered by customers are paramount to restoring and balancing ongoing manufacturing needs.


…is hitting you every day but you have to stop for a minute before begin to handle it. It is only after the first two steps had been stabilized that we begin any cost-cutting programs, because the poisoned and deficient stocks burn our reserves and potential source of danger.

Share your ideas! Contact with us! RATHER TODAY!

best regards, Gábor Hetényi & Tibor Gáspár

Our clients...

If you are interested in a project or just need some question answered

please contact with in person via phone or drop us a message. We are happy to call you back or visit on site and discuss about our common future projects.


Szent László király u. 6. A
Szombathely, 9700



Kandó Kálmán u. 17.
Győr, 9027


Get in touch

Your message will reach our managment team so do not hesitate to contact with us! We are very happy to hear about you!